FIN357 Simplified.
Teaching FIN357 to yourself can feel damn near impossible. Learn from our Course Expert, Chris, who has been helping students master Finance for years.

Exam Reviews
2-3 hour comprehensive review along with a mock exam to ensure you're ready for your next test.

Weekly Reviews
1-2 hour reviews each week to help you stay on top of your homework, quizzes, and other assignments.

Practice Problems
Practice makes perfect. Our mock exams and problem sets build your skills for future exams and coursework.

Question Wall
Stumped on a problem? Ask a question in the GPA Factory Question Wall and an FIN357 Course Expert will help you out.

Study Blitz sessions
2-hour sessions held before scheduled exams (very small groups) to work through additional problems with a Course Expert.

On-Demand Video
Don't worry if you can't attend a live review. Exam Reviews and Weekly Reviews are available on our site for you to watch at your leisure.

Private Tutoring
Meet one-on-one with a GPA Factory Course Expert and become a master of FIN357 in no time.
Memberships & Pricing
Your FIN357 Course Expert
Chris has tutored thousands of accounting, economics, and finance students over the years. After graduating with a degree in finance and working in education early in his career, Chris earned his MBA at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business and started his post-business school career at BCG, a top strategy consulting firm, before co-founding GPA Factory with Andy. He hardly ever misses a day of watching Jeopardy, enjoys getting frustrated by new fashion trends, and has never met a nap he didn't love. He's basically an elderly man trapped in a nerd's body. Reach out and say hello at [email protected]
Subject expertise: Accounting, Finance, and Economics
GPA Factory's office is located on the second floor of the Dobie Mall inside Regus at 2025 Guadalupe St., just steps from Littlefield Fountain (the big fountain with the statues). This is where members can pick up packets for available review sessions, where many of our Exam Reviews will be held, and a place for you to come by and learn more about our services. Drop by and say hello.

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