Welcome to GPA Factory!

GPA Factory is an Austin-based tutoring company comprised of experts in difficult University of Texas classes that students often struggle in. We provide UT and professor-specific tutoring solutions that are both effective and affordable. GPA Factory can help you if you feel totally lost, need extra support to ensure you get the grade you’re looking for, or want to save time so that you can enjoy college life outside of a library.

Coming Fall 2024

Please pardon our dust; we are in the process of developing material and gearing up for a Fall 2024 launch. In the meantime, poke around the site to learn more or reach out to [email protected] if you have questions.

Memberships starting at

$60 / month

Click a course to learn more about our Weekly Reviews, Exam Reviews, Mock Exams, and more

Private Tutoring

$75 / hour*

Meet one-on-one with a GPA Factory Course Expert for any University of Texas math, stats, econ, accounting, or finance course, even those not listed
*members get $25 off each session

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Private Tutoring

$75 / hour*

Meet one-on-one with a GPA Factory Course Expert for any UT math or business courses, even those not listed
*members get $20 off each session

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We don't spam. But we do give out discounts. Receive a 50% off code after you confirm your email


Exam Reviews

2-3 hour comprehensive review along with a mock exam to ensure you're ready for your next test.

Weekly Reviews

1-2 hour reviews each week to help you stay on top of your homework, quizzes, and other assignments.

Practice Problems

Practice makes perfect. Our mock exams and problem sets build your skills for future exams and coursework.

Course Question Wall

Stumped on a problem? Ask a question in your course's Question Wall and a GPA Factory Course Expert will help you out.

Drill problem sessions

2-hour sessions held every month (usually right before an exam; very small groups) to work through additional problems with a Course Expert.

On-Demand Video

Don't worry if you can't attend a live review. Exam Reviews and Weekly Reviews are available on our site for you to watch at your leisure.

Private Tutoring

Meet one-on-one with a GPA Factory Course Expert and master your course in no time.

Memberships & Pricing

Essential membership


Most popular

  • Exam Reviews
  • Weekly Reviews 
  • Mock exams
  • Practice problems
  • GPA Factory Question Wall
  • ~8-10 hours / month of course content
  • $25 discount on private tutoring sessions



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Elite membership



  • Exam Reviews
  • Weekly Reviews 
  • Mock exams
  • Practice problems
  • GPA Factory Question Wall
  • Monthly small group drill problem session (2 hours)
  • ~10-12 hours / month of course content
  • $25 discount on private tutoring sessions


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Private tutoring



  • Available for most UT business and math courses
  • Individualized support
  • Flexible scheduling
  • Zoom or in-person options available
  • First session FREE
  • Essential & Elite members get $25 off all sessions


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